Directory Disclaimer
Directory Disclaimer
The ASPAH Members Directory is intended to provide a list of members of ASPAH who are offering services to improve the health and wellbeing of performing artists.
No warranty, representation or undertaking is made about the content, accuracy and/or completeness of the information provided.
The listing of any member is not an endorsement by ASPAH of that individual beyond certifying that they are a current financial member of our organisation. Users of the ASPAH Members Directory should not solely rely on the information provided and must make their own enquiries and assessments as to suitability and quality of services.
Practitioners using “protected titles” such as medical practitioner, physiotherapist, podiatrist, or cardiologist, are required by law to be registered with the Australian Health Practitioners Registration Agency (AHPRA). You can check whether a practitioner is registered with AHPRA by searching here. AHPRA does not register practitioners in “non-protected” fields such as massage therapy, psychotherapy, Feldenkrais, and aromatherapy.
ASPAH accepts no responsibility or liability for any loss, damage and/or injury which may arise from the use of this Directory. No person is entitled to any redress against ASPAH or its Executive on any account whatsoever and however arising in relation to any of the information provided.
ASPAH also accepts no responsibility or liability for any loss, damage or injury which may arise for those who agree to be listed in the Directory. In particular, ASPAH cannot guarantee that the information listed publicly this way cannot be mined and used for the generation of unsolicited promotions, including spam email.
Rights and Responsibilities
We reserve the right to:
Refuse, reject and terminate any listing or website at any time for any reason and are under no obligation to provide reason.
Remove information which is political, racist, unlawful, threatening, abusive, indecent, pornographic or defamatory.
Discontinue any listing within the ASPAH Members Directory at any time for any reason.
Amend the terms and conditions of publication of the Members Directory at our discretion
Notifying ASPAH Regarding Errors in Information
ASPAH presents this Directory in good faith, using the information provided by those listed. If you feel that any information in this directory is inaccurate, incomplete or misleading, please contact us with your concern and/or corrections at