Keith Storace

Keith Storace

Keith Storace

Biographical Info Based in Melbourne Australia, Keith is a Registered Psychologist with the Psychology Board of Australia (PsyBA), an Associate Fellow with the Australasian College of Health Service Management (ACHSM), and a Writer, Editor, and Editorial Board Member for the AI Practitioner - International Journal of Appreciative Inquiry ( Keith maintains a Psychology and Consulting Practice at kikuIMAGINATION® ( working with individuals, couples, families, and groups; conducts lectures and workshops; and consults on mental health, professional development, and leadership. He is currently providing consultation to Griffith University, Queensland Australia, developing their Student Mental Health and Well-being Strategy. Keith has worked across the Education, Health, Disability, and Community sectors in management and leadership designing Health & Wellbeing frameworks and Personal and Professional Development programs that have been implemented nationally and internationally. Appreciative Dialogue (ApDi) Therapy Program: In 2016, Keith developed the Appreciative Dialogue (ApDi) Therapy Program, an offshoot of Appreciative Inquiry incorporating evidenced based therapy techniques. With a strong emphasis on cultivating a growth mindset and building resilience, the ApDi Therapy Program assists individuals with strengthening their sense of self and pursuing what is meaningful to them while dealing with the challenges they encounter along the way. In 2017/18, Keith was invited to adapt the ApDi program for Canada's City of Toronto’s Department of Community Development Student Placement Program. It was instrumental in building leadership confidence in higher education students and due to its success was further developed for resident engagement at the Jane/Finch Community and Family Centre, Toronto. The ApDi Program has also been used successfully since March 2020 for people experiencing mental health challenges resulting from Covid-19. A book chapter will be published in late 2023: Storace, K. (2023) Unlocking from lockdown: Reframing the future through appreciative dialogue. In S. Nanwani & W. Loxley (Eds.) Social Structure Adaptation to Covid-19: Impact on Humanity (upcoming publication).

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